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IB Single-Plane Topology

A complete M-Cell assembly consists of four compute racks. Each rack contains 4 physical IRUs - Independent rack units. Using one dual socket node per one blade slot leads to 8 logical IRUs. Each rack contains 4 x 2 SGI ICE X IB Premium Blades.

The SGI ICE X IB Premium Blade provides the first level of interconnection via dual 36-port Mellanox FDR InfiniBand ASIC switch with connections as follows:

  • 9 ports from each switch chip connect to the unified backplane, to connect the 18 compute node slots
  • 3 ports on each chip provide connectivity between the chips
  • 24 ports from each switch chip connect to the external bulkhead, for a total of 48

IB Single-Plane Topology - ICEX M-Cell

Each color in each physical IRU represents one dual-switch ASIC switch.

IB single-plane topology - ICEX Mcell.pdf

IB single-plane topology - ICEX Mcell.pdf

IB Single-Plane Topology - Accelerated Nodes

Each of the 3 inter-connected D racks is equivalent to one half of the M-Cell rack. 18 x D rack with MIC accelerated nodes [r21-r38] are equivalent to 3 M-Cell racks as shown in the 7D Enhanced Hypercube diagram.

As shown in a diagram IB Topology

  • Racks 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 are equivalent to one M-Cell rack.
  • Racks 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 are equivalent to one M-Cell rack.
  • Racks 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 are equivalent to one M-Cell rack.

IB single-plane topology - Accelerated nodes.pdf

IB single-plane topology - Accelerated nodes.pdf