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Barbora PartitionsΒΆ


Active project membership is required to run jobs.

Below is the list of partitions available on the Barbora cluster:

Partition Project resources Nodes Min ncpus Priority Authorization Walltime (def/max)
qcpu > 0 190 36 2 no 24 / 48h
qcpu_biz > 0 190 36 3 no 24 / 48h
qcpu_exp < 150% of allocation 16 36 4 no 1 / 1h
qcpu_free < 150% of allocation 124
max 4 per job
36 1 no 12 / 18h
qcpu_long > 0 60
max 20 per job
36 2 no 72 / 144h
qcpu_preempt active Barbora
CPU alloc.
max 4 per job
36 0 no 12 / 12h
qgpu > 0 8 24 2 yes 24 / 48h
qgpu_biz > 0 8 24 3 yes 24 / 48h
qgpu_exp < 150% of allocation 4
max 1 per job
24 4 no 1 / 1h
qgpu_free < 150% of allocation 5
max 2 per job
24 1 no 12 / 18h
qgpu_preempt active Barbora
GPU alloc.
max 2 per job
24 0 no 12 / 12h
qdgx > 0 cn202 96 2 yes 4 / 48h
qviz > 0 2 with NVIDIA Quadro P6000 4 2 no 1 / 8h
qfat > 0 1 fat node 128 2 yes 24 / 48h