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Complementary System Job Scheduling


Slurm workload manager is used to allocate and access Complementary systems resources.

Getting Partition Information

Display partitions/queues

$ sinfo -s
p00-arm      up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p00-arm01
p01-arm*     up 1-00:00:00          0/8/0/8 p01-arm[01-08]
p02-intel    up 1-00:00:00          0/2/0/2 p02-intel[01-02]
p03-amd      up 1-00:00:00          0/2/0/2 p03-amd[01-02]
p04-edge     up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p04-edge01
p05-synt     up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p05-synt01
p06-arm      up 1-00:00:00          0/2/0/2 p06-arm[01-02]
p07-power    up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p07-power01
p08-amd      up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p08-amd01
p10-intel    up 1-00:00:00          0/1/0/1 p10-intel01

Getting Job Information

Show jobs

$ squeue --me
               104   p01-arm interact    user   R       1:48      2 p01-arm[01-02]

Show job details for specific job

$ scontrol -d show job JOBID

Show job details for executing job from job session

$ scontrol -d show job $SLURM_JOBID

Running Interactive Jobs

Run interactive job

 $ salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm

Run interactive job, with X11 forwarding

 $ salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm --x11


Do not use srun for initiating interactive jobs, subsequent srun, mpirun invocations would block forever.

Running Batch Jobs

Run batch job

 $ sbatch -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm ./

Useful command options (salloc, sbatch, srun)

  • -n, --ntasks
  • -c, --cpus-per-task
  • -N, --nodes

Slurm Job Environment Variables

Slurm provides useful information to the job via environment variables. Environment variables are available on all nodes allocated to job when accessed via Slurm supported means (srun, compatible mpirun).

See all Slurm variables

set | grep ^SLURM

Useful Variables

variable name description example
SLURM_JOB_ID job id of the executing job 593
SLURM_JOB_NODELIST nodes allocated to the job p03-amd[01-02]
SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES number of nodes allocated to the job 2
SLURM_STEP_NODELIST nodes allocated to the job step p03-amd01
SLURM_STEP_NUM_NODES number of nodes allocated to the job step 1
SLURM_JOB_PARTITION name of the partition p03-amd
SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR submit directory /scratch/project/open-xx-yy/work

See Slurm srun documentation for details.

Get job nodelist


Expand nodelist to list of nodes.

$ scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST

Modifying Jobs

$ scontrol update JobId=JOBID ATTR=VALUE

for example

$ scontrol update JobId=JOBID Comment='The best job ever'

Deleting Jobs

$ scancel JOBID


PARTITION nodes whole node cores per node features
p00-arm 1 yes 64 aarch64,cortex-a72
p01-arm 8 yes 48 aarch64,a64fx,ib
p02-intel 2 no 64 x86_64,intel,icelake,ib,fpga,bitware,nvdimm
p03-amd 2 no 64 x86_64,amd,milan,ib,gpu,mi100,fpga,xilinx
p04-edge 1 yes 16 86_64,intel,broadwell,ib
p05-synt 1 yes 8 x86_64,amd,milan,ib,ht
p06-arm 2 yes 80 aarch64,ib
p07-power 1 yes 192 ppc64le,ib
p08-amd 1 yes 128 x86_64,amd,milan-x,ib,ht
p10-intel 1 yes 96 x86_64,intel,sapphire_rapids,ht

Use -t, --time option to specify job run time limit. Default job time limit is 2 hours, maximum job time limit is 24 hours.

FIFO scheduling with backfilling is employed.

Partition 00 - ARM (Cortex-A72)

Whole node allocation.

One node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p00-arm

Partition 01 - ARM (A64FX)

Whole node allocation.

One node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm
salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm -N=1

Multiple nodes:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p01-arm -N=8

Partition 02 - Intel (Ice Lake, NVDIMMs + Bitware FPGAs)

FPGAs are treated as resources. See below for more details about resources.

Partial allocation - per FPGA, resource separation is not enforced. Use only FPGAs allocated to the job!


salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p02-intel --gres=fpga

Two FPGAs on the same node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p02-intel --gres=fpga:2

All FPGAs:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p02-intel -N 2 --gres=fpga:2

Partition 03 - AMD (Milan, MI100 GPUs + Xilinx FPGAs)

GPUs and FPGAs are treated as resources. See below for more details about resources.

Partial allocation - per GPU and per FPGA, resource separation is not enforced. Use only GPUs and FPGAs allocated to the job!

One GPU:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=gpu

Two GPUs on the same node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=gpu:2

Four GPUs on the same node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=gpu:4

All GPUs:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd -N 2 --gres=gpu:4


salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=fpga

Two FPGAs:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=fpga:2

All FPGAs:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd -N 2--gres=fpga:2

One GPU and one FPGA on the same node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=gpu,fpga

Four GPUs and two FPGAs on the same node:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=gpu:4,fpga:2

All GPUs and FPGAs:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd -N 2 --gres=gpu:4,fpga:2

Partition 04 - Edge Server

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p04-edge

Partition 05 - FPGA Synthesis Server

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p05-synt

Partition 06 - ARM

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p06-arm

Partition 07 - IBM Power

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p07-power

Partition 08 - AMD Milan-X

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p08-amd

Partition 10 - Intel Sapphire Rapids

Whole node allocation:

salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p10-intel


Nodes have feature tags assigned to them. Users can select nodes based on the feature tags using --constraint option.

Feature Description
aarch64 platform
x86_64 platform
ppc64le platform
amd manufacturer
intel manufacturer
icelake processor family
broadwell processor family
sapphire_rapids processor family
milan processor family
milan-x processor family
ib Infiniband
gpu equipped with GPU
fpga equipped with FPGA
nvdimm equipped with NVDIMMs
ht Hyperthreading enabled
noht Hyperthreading disabled
$ sinfo -o '%16N %f'
p00-arm01        aarch64,cortex-a72
p01-arm[01-08]   aarch64,a64fx,ib
p02-intel01      x86_64,intel,icelake,ib,fpga,bitware,nvdimm,ht
p02-intel02      x86_64,intel,icelake,ib,fpga,bitware,nvdimm,noht
p03-amd02        x86_64,amd,milan,ib,gpu,mi100,fpga,xilinx,noht
p03-amd01        x86_64,amd,milan,ib,gpu,mi100,fpga,xilinx,ht
p04-edge01       x86_64,intel,broadwell,ib,ht
p05-synt01       x86_64,amd,milan,ib,ht
p06-arm[01-02]   aarch64,ib
p07-power01      ppc64le,ib
p08-amd01        x86_64,amd,milan-x,ib,ht
p10-intel01      x86_64,intel,sapphire_rapids,ht
$ salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p02-intel --constraint noht
$ scontrol -d show node p02-intel02 | grep ActiveFeatures

Resources, GRES

Slurm supports the ability to define and schedule arbitrary resources - Generic RESources (GRES) in Slurm's terminology. We use GRES for scheduling/allocating GPUs and FPGAs.


Use only allocated GPUs and FPGAs. Resource separation is not enforced. If you use non-allocated resources, you can observe strange behavior and get into troubles.

Node Resources

Get information about GRES on node.

$ scontrol -d show node p02-intel01 | grep Gres=
$ scontrol -d show node p02-intel02 | grep Gres=
$ scontrol -d show node p03-amd01 | grep Gres=
$ scontrol -d show node p03-amd02 | grep Gres=

Request Resources

To allocate required resources (GPUs or FPGAs) use the --gres salloc/srun option.

Example: Allocate one FPGA

$ salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres fpga:1

Find Out Allocated Resources

Information about allocated resources is available in Slurm job details, attributes JOB_GRES and GRES.

$ scontrol -d show job $SLURM_JOBID |grep GRES=
     Nodes=p03-amd01 CPU_IDs=0-1 Mem=0 GRES=fpga:xilinx_alveo_u250:1(IDX:0)

IDX in the GRES attribute specifies index/indexes of FPGA(s) (or GPUs) allocated to the job on the node. In the given example - allocated resources are fpga:xilinx_alveo_u250:1(IDX:0), we should use FPGA with index/number 0 on node p03-amd01.

Request Specific Resources

It is possible to allocate specific resources. It is useful for partition p03-amd equipped with FPGAs of different types.

GRES entry is using format "name[[:type]:count", in the following example name is fpga, type is xilinx_alveo_u280, and count is count 2.

$ salloc -A PROJECT-ID -p p03-amd --gres=fpga:xilinx_alveo_u280:2
salloc: Granted job allocation XXX
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes p03-amd02 are ready for job

$ scontrol -d show job $SLURM_JOBID | grep -i gres
     Nodes=p03-amd02 CPU_IDs=0 Mem=0 GRES=fpga:xilinx_alveo_u280(IDX:0-1)