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Welcome to Barbora supercomputer cluster. The Barbora cluster consists of 201 compute nodes, totaling 7232 compute cores with 44544 GB RAM, giving over 848 TFLOP/s theoretical peak performance.

Nodes are interconnected through a fully non-blocking fat-tree InfiniBand network, and are equipped with Intel Cascade Lake processors. A few nodes are also equipped with NVIDIA Tesla V100-SXM2. Read more in Hardware Overview.

The cluster runs with an operating system compatible with the Red Hat Linux family. We have installed a wide range of software packages targeted at different scientific domains. These packages are accessible via the modules environment.

The user data shared file system and job data shared file system are available to users.

The Slurm workload manager provides computing resources allocations and job execution.

Read more on how to apply for resources, obtain login credentials and access the cluster.