ANSYSLS-DYNA provides convenient and easy-to-use access to the technology-rich, time-tested explicit solver without the need to contend with the complex input requirements of this sophisticated program. Introduced in 1996, ANSYS LS-DYNA capabilities have helped customers in numerous industries to resolve highly intricate design issues. ANSYS Mechanical users have been able to take advantage of complex explicit solutions for a long time utilizing the traditional ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) environment. These explicit capabilities are available to ANSYS Workbench users as well. The Workbench platform is a powerful, comprehensive, easy-to-use environment for engineering simulation. CAD import from all sources, geometry cleanup, automatic meshing, solution, parametric optimization, result visualization, and comprehensive report generation are all available within a single fully interactive modern graphical user environment.
To run ANSYS LS-DYNA in batch mode, you can utilize/modify the default ansysdyna.slurm
and execute it via the sbatch
#SBATCH --nodes=5 # Request 5 nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128 # Request 128 MPI processes per node
#SBATCH --job-name=ANSYS-test # Job name
#SBATCH --partition=qcpu # Partition name
#SBATCH --account=PROJECT_ID # Account/project ID
#SBATCH --output=%x-%j.out # Output log file with job name and job ID
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 # Walltime
#!change the working directory (default is home directory)
#cd <working directory>
mkdir -p "$DIR"
cd "$DIR" || exit
echo Running on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo This jobs runs on the following processors:
#! Counts the number of processors
NPROCS=$(scontrol show hostname $SLURM_NODELIST | wc -l)
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes
ml ANSYS/2023R2-intel-2022.12
#### Set number of processors per host listing
#### Create host list
for host in $(scontrol show hostname $SLURM_NODELIST)
if [ "$hl" = "" ]
then hl="$host:$procs_per_host"
else hl="${hl}:$host:$procs_per_host"
echo Machines: $hl
ansys211 -dis -lsdynampp i=input.k -machines $hl
SVS FEM recommends to utilize sources by keywords: nodes, ppn. These keywords allows addressing directly the number of nodes (computers) and cores (ppn) utilized in the job. In addition, the rest of the code assumes such structure of allocated resources.